- Motorcarb Carburetor For Honda Fourtrax 250 300 350 Trx 2x4 4x4 Atv Carb 16100-hc4-033 Trx
For (1985-1987) Honda Fourtrax 250 TRX 250, (1986-2000) Fourtrax 350 TRX 350 carburetor.. For (1988-2000) Honda Fourtrax 300 TRX 300 2x4 4x4 carburetor; Main jet #130, pilot jet #45.. Pre-installed internal parts, direct installation out of the box and no/small modification is needed.. Prompt shipment, package: carburetor + spark plug + fuel filter + throttle cable cover..Other fine products
- Air Conditioning & Comfort
- Air Filter
- Air Intake
- Batteries, Charging, & Starters
- Brackets
- Brakes & Traction
- Carburetors
- Electrical
- Electronics
- Exhaust & Emission Control
- Garage Gear
- Gaskets
- Grills
- Halo Lights
- Hats
- Ignition
- Key Fobs
- Lighting
- Paint Supplies
- Polishers
- Solenoids
- Stators
- Tie Rods
- Truck & Towing
- Turbine
- Valve Caps